Friday, 25 September 2015

The Closet Cure is Complete

Alright, this is the last one. Now that your closet is all nice and organized, clean and slimmed down it's time to prepare for the upkeep. This is easy, trust me. Once a month just briefly go through your closet and get rid of anything you've decided you don't like, doesn't fit, or got ripped or stained. I find myself doing this a lot. When I'm searching for an outfit sometimes ill come across something and say "I never wear you" or " you got with nothing." So it gets put into storage for donation/selling. Once the pile gets big enough I bring it to Plato's/Salvation Army.

this is not my closet, I just wish it was.

Overall, I greatly enjoyed this process. It's nice to have guidelines and goals to meet. For some (me) it can be hard to get rid of clothing (sad for the outfits that could have been), but this program made it much more easier and less overwhelming. I feel good now with a smaller (still big) wardrobe and a bunch of pieces I KNOW I will wear. Plus I made room for more! And I did go shopping on my birthday weekend and got a lot of new items that appeal to my ever changing style. 

If you haven't started The Closet Cure yet, it's never too late! Check out Apartment Therapy to sign up, or read all the assignments and do it on your own time. 

Thursday, 24 September 2015

The Closet Cure Assignment # 9

Assignment # 9 is an easy one and can be pretty rewarding. Today we donate/sell our items from the "no" box. I stuffed all my items into a giant Costco tote and brought it to Plato's Closet. Plato's Closet is one of my favourite stores. They will buy your trendy clothes from you and then you can spend your cash on items other people have sold them (or keep it if you want, no pressure). If you plan to go to a store like this make sure to wash everything one last time and sort through your items again looking for any damage. Don't be sad or discouraged if they don't buy all your items, they rarely do. And don't expect to get full price.  They buy clothes for low cost so they can sell them at 75% less than current retailers. Sometimes you may only be getting $1 or $2 for a t-shirt. That means they will sell it for $5 and that means you can find bargains for $5. What goes around comes around. And hey, $2 is better than $0. 

I made $68.00 from my bag of stuff at Plato's Closet. They only purchased 1/2 -1/3 of it so I'll try to sell locally and if not I'll just donate it! I did some shopping while I was waiting and I found myself a gem (among other things).
Yep, it's a Celine knock off. Ever since I saw my first Celine bag (styled on a pinterest post) a few years ago I haven't been able to get them out of my head! This is the exact print I wanted too. Such structured perfection. Obv I couldn't afford a $2000+ bag so I got this one for $10. I literally died when I saw it on the rack, I can't believe it lasted long enough for me to find it. This is why I love Plato's Closet, people!

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Dragon Boat Lettuce Wraps

Sometimes I actually cook interesting meals, yesterday was one of those days. We recently went to a restaurant that served dragon boat lettuce wraps. It was a small portion because it was an appetizer that we split. It was so good and we wanted more so I decided to try to make them myself at home. In my opinion the sauce is the main part that makes it taste so darn good. After some research I discovered Hoisin sauce and I can't believe I've been missing out on this stuff for so many years!

So here is the finished product:

If you want to know how I make these, keep reading.......

  • Chicken Breasts
  • Egg Noodles
  • Red & Yellow Pepper
  • Bean Sprouts
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Lettuce (romaine works best)
  •  2 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp Brown Sugar
  • Hoisin Sauce
  • Peanuts
  1. Heat vegetable oil in wok over med-high heat and add the egg noodles. Make sure to crush them into smaller pieces so they don't clump together and are easier to eat. Once they are done (5-10 mins) remove from heat and set aside.

2.  Meanwhile, prepare your chicken and vegetables. Rinse your lettuce, chop the peppers, onion, garlic and chicken.

3.   In the same wok you just used saute the garlic and onion. Add chicken and cook through. Once chicken is no longer pink add in your peppers and bean sprouts(you can add whatever veggies you like).

4.  Combine soy sauce and brown sugar and mix until sugar dissolves. Add to the stir fry mixture and cook for about 2 minutes. 

5.  Now you can add the hoisin sauce & peanuts. Use as little or as much as you like, I like a lot (4 heaping tbsp).

6.  Finally, add the egg noodles to the mixture & stir for 30 seconds then serve on your lettuce

Enjoy :) 

The Closet Cure Assignment # 7 & 8

Today's task is a simple and quick one. 

I love how simple and obvious this part is. Anything you are not sure on, store in a box out of sight. If you EVER go back into that box to get an item - you keep it. If a few months go by and you completely forget about the box - you donate it.


This week is all about organization.  If you've ever fantasized about one of those amazing Ikea closets, now is your chance!

A closet like this is something I would have loved before I moved my closet into the entire spare room. When we move out or need the spare room again I will probably set up something similar to this.

One thing I learned and love is rolling your shirts or garments to make more room in drawers. I was just saying how my undergarment drawer needed a revamp and some organization so this tip will surely help. It's also a great way to save space if you have a large t shirt collection, or for tanks. It's funny, whenever Anthony packs for anything he always rolls his clothes and I used to look at him like he was crazy, now I understand!

Friday, 18 September 2015

The Closet Cure Assignment # 6

Today we are sorting what I like to call the utilities (underwear, socks, bras and tights). I am excited for this one because this is a section of my "wardrobe" that needs a lot of help. I don't think I've gone through my utilities in a very long time. 

The best of this is throwing stuff away! Such a good feeling to get rid of clutter and unnecessary items. I just grabbed an old grocery bag and started tossing stuff. This is much easier because for me it's just a garbage bag, no maybe, no donate, no dry clean, just garbage. I have a lot of bra's that only have one metal hook and it's time to say goodbye! I also tossed out socks that have holes, or are really worn out and close to hole status (I need to teach Anthony that one). Say goodbye to tights will pulls. NTS: pick up new nude tights. I have also made an executive decision that I no longer like my patterned leggings so I will be donating those. Since assignment # 6 was called the final sort I am going to go through my bathing suit collection as well. I feel like it fits in this category and I am thinking there's no more sorting tasks left.

I have a lot more room in my utility drawers now. Thanks to good ole Pinterest I want to try organizing those drawers like this. Looks so fancy and organized and not chaotic like mine.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

The Closet Cure Assignment 4 & 5

Today I have combined assignments 4 & 5 into the same post. 

Assignment # 4 is all about taking care of that dry cleaning pile. As I mentioned before, I am not creating a dry cleaning pile. I don't dry clean and if anything is stained I'm just tossing it out. This was a catch up day for me, but more just a rest day before the hard part on assignment # 5. 

Yep, Shoes & Bags. Shoes are my thing. I have a problem with buying shoes because they look so damn good. What U need to focus on is comfort. I've been lucky and have quiet a few pairs of heels that are actually really comfortable and I can walk around in all day. I do have a few pairs that are absolutely horrid but they are just too pretty to give away. This is where Assignment # 5 comes in and whips me into shape. With that being said, I recently went through my shoe collection and donated a bunch so not sure how this will turn out.

Bags on the other hand...Bags is one part of my wardrobe that I don't have. I am actually quiet ashamed of it. I literally have my go to cross body bag from Coach, A large Michael Kors bag that I use to take to my lunch, textbooks and a change of scrubs to work, and a large Burberry bag that is more a display item than anything. I don't have a single clutch (wtf), and don't have any bags to help compliment my outfits(what is wrong with me). If I learned anything from this Closet Cure it's that I need to work on my bag game.

Shoe Count: 26
Bag Count: 3

New Shoe Count: 25 (-1)
New Bag Count: 3

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Birthday Weekend

Dress: Giant Tiger -gift- {similar}
Blazer: Windsor Store s/o
Necklace: Ardene s/o  also styled here {similar}
Shoes: Unknown -Gift from coworker-

This past Friday was my birthday and Anthony brought me to Toronto for a weekend of fun. On Friday we went to the CN Tower (& out for dinner) which is where these pictures were all taken. I am so sorry I don't have a link for this awesome blazer but it's sold out. I die for this blazer and I'm soo happy I got one before they sold out.

In case you were interested in what we did for the rest of my birthday weekend...On Saturday we went to the Toronto Zoo, The Ontario Science Center, and Casa Loma. It was tons of fun, thanks Anthony :) 

Closet Cure Assignment # 3

Assignment # 3 came in on Friday but since it was my Birthday we were away all weekend. So I am just getting started on this one today! It's the only assignment we got all weekend because it's a big one. She recommended not tackling all sections at once but since I am running out of time I am going to do one section in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. What better way to spend a rainy day?

Our task this time is sorting again just like in assignment 2, except now we are sorting:

1. Dresses & Skirts
2. Jeans & Casual Pants
3. Top and Jackets/Outerwear
Dress Count  23
Skirt Count 16
Jean Count 18
Casual Pant Count 3
Top Count 53
Jacket/Outerwear Count 11
Shorts: 8

Also I noticed shorts were not listed here so I added them in

My giant pile of "no's" and all my free hangers!

New Dress Count 19 (-4)
New Skirt Count 11 (-5)
New Jean Count 12 (-6)
New Casual Pant Count 1 (-2)
New Top Count 35 (-18)
New Jacket/Outerwear Count 11 (-0)
New Short Count: 3 (-5)

Yes, I know, I didn't get rid of any outerwear or jackets. I am pretty pleased with my collection. I have 6 blazers - One black, 2 grey, white, pink and bright green - and I feel like I need them all. Blazers are a great item to spice up any outfit and having a good color selection really helps. I like the style and fits of them all so I'm going to keep them. Otherwise I have a jean jacket, a jean vest, a leather jacket, a thick "sweater" vest, and a green army coat. I guess jackets/outerwear is where I fail the most (haha). In every other category I feel like I did pretty good damage. I definitely felt some guilt while discarding items to the "No" pile. My job here is done!

How are you doing on your Closet Cure? If you still want to sign up, you can visit Apartment Therapy.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Closet Cure Assignment # 2

Assignment # 2 is here and I am nervous! 

The sorting is starting with sweaters. Apartment Therapy provided this awesome reference chart to help you decide whether to keep or toss something.

I can tell this is going to be a very hard and sad process. The issue I had with this assignment was the fact that it was sweaters. It's not quiet fall yet and I was having a hard time deciding what's going to be in or out of style this season. I would hate to donate something that I'd want back in a month! 

tip: make sure all your laundry is done, and it helps to start with a tidy closet.

Starting Sweater Count: 23

End Sweater Count: 14

Let's just take a moment for all the outfits that could have been. 

It's not too late to join The Cure if you're still interested!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Closet Cure Assignment # 1

Today I received my first email assignment for The closet Cure. I was so excited when I saw it in my inbox. Let's do this!

I have chosen to use plastic grocery bags for my sorting. I don't have boxes handy and garbage bags are too large. I do very small sortings every couple of months and swap my clothes at Plato's Closet so I know personally my piles are not going to be that large(and if they are I'll just get more bags from the kitchen). OR perhaps I'm in denial.

So if you didn't read the article,  our first week assignment is to collect 9 bags, boxes, crates or whatever. One for each:
  • a "maybe" bag/box
  • a "dry cleaning" bag/box
  • an "alterations/repairs" bag/box
  • a "shoe repair" bag/box
  • a "sell/swap" bag/box
  • a "donate" bag/box 
  • a laundry basket
  • a trash bag
Pretty simple. I am going to tweak this a bit for myself. I will not be having repair bags because anything that's broken I'm just going to toss out. Also going to cut out the dry cleaning. I don't do dry cleaning (what? I know) I don't want to pay extra for someone else to clean my clothes, I don't have anything worth that much. If it's stained beyond repair it goes in the trash.

I love that the first assignment is a no-stress approach to purging the closet. It can be overwhelming for some and a little sad for people (like me). I am sad for the outfits that could have been, but I just keep thinking about the outfits that CAN be.

I can't wait for tomorrows assignment, who else is with me?
Hey guys! If you want to follow me on this adventure you can easily do so by following me on Bloglovin' or Facebook. Enter your email to the left, or follow via Facebook at the top of the page to get regular updates and stay in the loop

Closet Cure

Back in August my mom brought my attention to a blog post about "The Closet Cure: 10 Steps to a Better, More Organized Wardrobe for Fall" by Apartment Therapy (btw, this website has amazing articles on all things "home"). I've been dying to do a closet "purge" to get rid of the old and unused and make room for new fresh items. There is no better time to do this than at a season change. A lot of people were doing this back in the Spring as a sort of spring cleaning event but I wasn't on board back then. I am ready now!

So, once you sign up you will receive one email a day for 10 days. Each email contains 1 step towards a better, more organized closet. At the end of the program you should find yourself feeling weight lifted, organized and refreshed. I am super excited to get started on this project and wanted to share it with you. If this sounds like something you would like to do, you should sign up too! I am going to try to blog my progress each day when I receive my task. 

Remember back in June when I blogged about my new closet/dressing room? Let me refresh your memory. I do have a lot of clothing items, and they may look organized, but it's organized chaos. Time to downsize, be realistic, and make some money by bringing old pieces to Plato's Closet.

Hey guys! If you want to follow me on this adventure you can easily do so by following me on Bloglovin' or Facebook. Enter your email to the left, or follow via Facebook at the top of the page to get regular updates and stay in the loop.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Geometric Elephant

Top: Urban Planet {similar, similar}
Skirt: Forever21 also styled here

This is a very simple outfit that I threw together for a football game. It was 31'C so I needed to dress light.  This style of graphic top with elephants and geometric designs is very popular right now and you can find them just about anywhere. Here are just a few I came across while searching for the link to mine: Oversized tee, cropped tank, and an oversized tank.  This skirt is actually too big on me and it will be purged in my upcoming fall wardrobe refresher (stay tuned!)
Attention Readers:  Hey Everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to all my regular readers.  It would mean the world to me if you could subscribe to my blog to get notified when I make new posts. This simple function keeps you up to date and lets me know who my readers are! All you have to do is enter your email address on the left, or use the "+" symbol at the top of the page to connect with Facebook. Thank you <3 

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Cirque De Soleil Varekai

Top: Sirens
Skirt: Windsor Store
Heels: Sirens {similar}

Last night we got to go to Cirque De Soleil Varekai compliments of Anthony's mom. It was an incredible show, unlike anything I've ever seen before. We went with Anthony's entire family and rented a limo for the ride. 

As gorgeous as these shoes are, they are absolutely terribly uncomfortable. Luckily there was a lot of sitting involved. It's a shame really because I can't stop starring at them and chances are I won't wear them again. They will make a great decor item though! Thank god I only paid $10 for them, worth it for one nights wear and such a beauty to look at.  

This is a lot more cleavage than I normally wear but I was feeling edgy. I don't know why but the top just spoke to me so I created the outfit around it. I feel modest enough with the long skirt.

The humidity is so great right now that my hair is practically laying flat. I had it all curled much tighter and bouncier but within 20 minutes it was falling flat. That's one reason why I miss the cooler weather.

Attention Readers:  Hey Everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to all my regular readers.  It would mean the world to me if you could subscribe to my blog to get notified when I make new posts. This simple function keeps you up to date and lets me know who my readers are! All you have to do is enter your email address on the left, or use the "+" symbol at the top of the page to connect with facebook. Thank you <3 

Monday, 27 July 2015

Proper Lady

Dress: Gojane -old-
Heels: Sirens {similar}
Watch: Michael Kors

Whenever I wear this dress I feel like a proper lady. The cross over low cut front and the bow detail, combined with the puffy sleeves gives it that womanly feel. The length and pattern help to make it more stylish, sexy and "youthful". And of course pairing it with these beautiful white wedges helps, even though they are white they still give the outfit that POP of colour. 

Sunday, 26 July 2015

On The Range

Top: Adidas
Skort: Lululemon
Sunglasses:  Burberry 

I feel like I may be dressed for the wrong sport. My outfit sort of feels more tennis than golf. But TBH, I don't own a single polo shirt or a pair of khaki's. This was light & breezy for a hot/humid summer day on the green!  P.S. who knew hitting a golf ball was so hard?!

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Effortlessly Chic

Top: Ardene
Skirt: Windsor
Hat: Brandy Melville {similar}

This weekend we had a Button Family beach day. I had a completely different (AND NEW) outfit in mind but since I got a really bad leg burn kayaking on Thursday I had to change it up and wear something to cover my legs. Thus this compilation of frequently wore pieces. This sort of outfit is my go to in summer. Maxi skirt, some sort of crop top and a floppy hat. So effortlessly chic. P.S I love me some tousled beach waves in the hair.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Scalloped Skirt

Top: Ardene
Heels: Sirens {similar}

This past weekend we went out for dinner to the Mandarin where I got to try chocolate covered bacon for the first time.  It did not disappoint. I based my outfit around my shoes this time. These wedges are to-die-for. I can;t get over how comfortable they are. And I kid you not, they are literally the easiest heels to walk in and it's like a 4" heel! And no I'm not just saying that....Here's a close up

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Burger Review: Swiss Chalet

Chicken Parmesan Kaiser 

The Expectation:

The Reality:

"Our new hand breaded chicken topped with tomato sauce and melted cheese. Served on a toasted Kaiser with basil pesto mayo and your choice of side."


Comments: If you've ever had Chicken Parmesan as a meal then you know its amazing-ness. Put it into a burger and you've won Anthony's heart. I tried a bite or two of this sandwich and loved it. I do enjoy a hot sandwich. The warm sauce and melted cheese were the perfect touch to make this sandwich NOT dry which is a hard thing when making a chicken sandwich. I loved it and so did Anthony.

Review by: Anthony & Desiree

Sunday, 21 June 2015

My First Kimono

Top: Plato's Closet (Baluoke)
Kimono: Eight Sixty from Revolve {dress, pants, shirt dress, top, tank}
Shorts: Sirens
Flower Crown: Stitches {similar}

Yes, I know, this is my first ever kimono I'm a little late to the party. I've always liked the look and idea of a kimono but have never been able to find one I liked. Whether it was pattern, shape or price, something always turned me off. Finally I found this gorgeous one at Plato's Closet.  The colors on this one are so pretty together and it almost reminds me of a water color design. Another thing I really like is the fit. This one is a size large and I'm happy it was large because it's got that oversized feel and I'm not sure how much I would like it if it were small and shorter or more fitted. Not to mention it was only $12 at Plato's and retails for nearly $100. I couldn't find the kimono (must be sold old) but I found all the pieces in the Eight Sixty collection in this pattern. They are all so gorgeous! 

My shirt is another find from Plato's Closet. Fun fact: this shirt is actually supposed to be a dress. I had purchased it believing it was a dress I could wear with this kimono. It was in the medium dress section & the tag read medium so why bother trying on? Once I got home I realized why change rooms exists. I noticed the original retail tag was still attached and that it was in Chinese language and cringed. If you've ever bought clothing from an Asian store then you know it fits no one! The "dress" didn't even cover my bum and it's supposed to be worn off the shoulders ! Luckily it looks just as cute as a fitted shirt :) 

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Royal Blue & Cut-outs

Dress: Sirens
Heels: Charlotte Russe -sold out-
Necklace: Forever21
Watch: Geneva 

The pictures are a bit dark and the head lights from the cars are screwing up the lighting but at least you can appreciate the outfit. Unfortunately Sirens doesn't have a website so I can't show you the dress but hopefully you can see the lace cut out details on the waist and neckline. I also love this shade of blue on me! 

This was our view while dining at The Keg! The people with window seats were the luckiest. I'm not going to lie, I felt pretty fabulous at this restaurant. It was on the 9th floor of one of the tallest hotels (with amazing window walls all around) and they had free valet parking! 

Friday, 19 June 2015

B&W Sunflowers

 Top: Gojane -sold out-  also styled here
Maxi Skirt: Plato's Closet {similar} recently styled here
Hat: Brandy Melville -sold out-{similar}also styled here
Necklace: Forever21

Are you getting tired of this skirt yet? The possibilities are endless. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Tomboy Meets Classic

Wife Beater Tank: Bluenotes {similar}
Blazer: Urban Behaviour -old-
Pants: Young & Faded (Nordstrom) thrifted from Plato's {cheaper option}
Heels: Dailylook

First off, these pictures came out huge & I apologize! 

This week we took a mini vacation/date night to Niagara Falls with a little help from 
Groupon. We got a one night stay in Hotel Ramada, 4 wine tours & tastings, a tour of the Chocolate F/X factory (above), $15 to IHOP, $30 to The Keg, and $20 to the Outback Restaurant. Did I mention it was only $79 + tax? If you are interested in our deal, it's still available here! P.S. The Ramada Hotel was excellent, they gave us a free upgrade to a Jacuzzi Suite room :) 

These photo's were taken outside the Chocolate F/X factory. We got to see how they make chocolate (starting from the harvesting of cocoa fruit, right down to moulding and packaging) then we got to taste it. We sampled a chocolate covered strawberry and some ice wine truffles. Needless to say, it was amazing.

Now onto the outfit...I love mixing tom boy pieces with classic girly pieces. The way these pants contrast with these heels is awesome! This style of heel is so flattering on everyone, I can't stop looking at my feet when I wear these. They make feet look pretty. Also, I could have easily gone without the blazer and next time I probably will.

Monday, 15 June 2015

DIY Weed Killer

Let me just start by saying this recipe was the answer to my prayers! The weeds in my yard just sprung one day and won't go away. Coco enjoys the backyard and tends to graze grass like a cow so there's no way I cold use a chemical weed killer. This recipe is pet friendly! [disclaimer: pet friendly does not mean feed it to your pets, but if your dog happens to lick it, that's alright]

1. Empty Spray Bottle
2. 1G White Vinegar
3. 1/2 cup of Salt
4. Liquid Dish Soap

Pour salt into empty spray bottle. Fill the rest of the bottle up with the vinegar. This container of vinegar was just enough to fill the entire spray bottle.  Then add a squirt of dish soap. Mix it all together.  You need to do this on a hot day so the weeds can get dried out, it probably won't work if you've got rain in the forecast. Saturate the weeds to DEATH! I used the entire bottle on my small backyard, don't be shy. 

Here's a few picture of my out-of-control weeds!

Spray away! Or get your boyfriend to do it...


Here's the aftermath....

So it definitely shriveled them down to nothing. Looks much better now especially in the cracks between patio stones. However, now I have a backyard full of dead weeds. I'm not sure if I should pull them all now because I don't want fresh new ones to grow. Anyone with experience have any recommendations?